Charleston Campus – ECPI University donated $1,000 to the Gregg Middle School VEX Robotics Team. ECPI faculty members also serve as mentors and judges for its competitions.

Columbia Campus – The Student Veterans Association and Phi Theta Kappa combined forces to clean a local roadway as part of the Adopt-A-Highway Program.

Columbia Campus – Nursing students volunteered at Agapé Hospice, spending time with residents doing manicures, entertaining with music, playing games, and just listening and caring for individuals who do not get visitors often.

Columbia Campus – Medical Assisting students held a back-to-school supply drive for ECPI University students with children who needed a little extra help. Students helping students!

Greenville Campus – For the second straight year, the campus partnered with Hillcrest High School to offer students a dual-credit Medical Terminology class.

Greenville Campus – ECPI University sponsored an exhibit at the Upcountry History Museum to honor service members called Love A Vet.

Greenville Campus – Staff members volunteered to help set up for 2019 Pearls & Pumps, an annual fundraiser that benefits the Pearlie Harris Center for Breast Health.

Greenville Campus – Upstate Warrior Solutions held a training session on campus to help connect veterans and their families with resources and opportunities.

Greenville Campus – Practical Nursing students and faculty members Ashlan Burns, Marjorie Katz, Anne Woodward, and Christy Boggs, organized a wellness day at A Child’s Haven, an organization that treats children with developmental delays as a result of limited resources, abuse, or neglect. The event included blood pressure and vital signs checks, oral hygiene tips, and vision and hearing screening.

Newport News Campus – Members of the Health Sciences Career Services Department and Student Leadership Association (SLA) served as “Shopping Buddies” as part of the YMCA Bright Beginnings Program. Each child had a donated budget of $125 and ECPI volunteers helped them pick out items and stretch their purchasing power at a local Target store.
Campus Director of Career Services Kerrie Watson, Career Services Advisor Jalisa Chambliss, Healthcare Administration student and SLA member Miraka Bass, Career Services Advisor Sandi Bell, and Healthcare Administration student and SLA member Suleika Farquhar.

Newport News Campus – Dental Assisting students volunteered at the Mission of Mercy Project in Wise, Virginia. They joined more than 400 dentists, volunteers, and other oral healthcare professionals to deliver much-needed care to people in this extremely underserved area.

Newport News Campus – Dental Assisting students visited Richneck Elementary School to provide oral health education for the children which included interactive games involving food choices, tooth brushing instructions, and leading dental songs about toothbrushes and toothpaste.

Raleigh Campus – Cyber and Network Security student Christina Gonzalez was one of many students who turned out to donate at the campus’ most recent blood drive.

Richmond/Moorefield Campus – English faculty member David Bridges was one of many dedicated donors who contributed to the campus’ most recent American Red Cross blood drive.

Roanoke Campus – Nursing students, along with faculty and staff, served as volunteers at the regional Special Olympics Track and Field event, cheering on athletes and handing out water.

San Antonio Campus – Students, faculty, and staff held a school supply drive to benefit the Whataburger Children’s Shelter.
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