Mark B. Dreyfus, President of ECPI University, has been appointed by Virginia Governor Ralph Northam to the Virginia Board of Workforce Development.

Dr. Paul Nussbaum, Electronics Engineering faculty member at the Richmond/Moorefield campus, has published a new book, “Which Parts of Short Training Videos Generate The Most Attentiveness?” available on Amazon.

Dr. Thomas Rzemyk, a member of the Criminal Justice online faculty, recently co-authored a chapter in a new book, Rebuilding Afghanistan in Times of Crisis: A Global Perspective. The chapter was titled, “Women and Economic Development in Post-Conflict Afghanistan.” Dr. Rzemyk has also been reappointed to serve as a Criminology & Criminal Justice Peer Reviewer for the Fulbright U.S. Scholar Program under the U.S. Department of State.

Pamela NDanyi, a Practical Nursing faculty member at the Greenville Campus, has published The Hanging Tree Has No Leaves, a book of poetry that depicts historical and contemporary social injustices, available at Amazon and Barnes and Noble.

Dr. Tony Pennington, BSN Program Director at the Orlando campus, served as a podium speaker at the American Association for Men in Nursing (AAMN) 44th Annual Conference. His topic: “Research Synthesis on Identifying Recruitment and Retention Strategies Aimed at Male Students in Higher Education.”

Abrioe Stevenson, an online Electronics Engineering Technology student, presented at the 91st Annual National Technical Association (NTA) Conference in Baltimore, Maryland. His topic: “Changing the Rules for a Virtual National Organization.”

Dr. Oscar Odom, an online faculty member in ECPI University’s College of Business and Criminal Justice, served as a panel member for Fox News in New York discussing the 9/11 attacks 18 years ago.

Dr. Toni Chamberlain, Bachelor of Science-Radiologic Sciences Program Director, has published a book review of The Handbook of Medical Image Perception and Techniques for American Society of Radiologic Technology’s journal, Radiologic Technology.

Columbia Campus President Jim Rund has been appointed to the South Carolina Coordinating Council for Workforce Development (CCWD) Strategic Partner Group.

Kelly Russin, a member of the Practical Nursing faculty at the Columbia campus, recently gave a presentation, “The Importance of Grief Education and the Future of Bereavement Care,” at the Lexington Medical Center for Perinatal Loss.

Dr. Susan Lacey, Director of Nursing at the Northern Virginia campus, has published “Diabetic Ketoacidosis (DKA) Insulin Infusion Protocol Update Using Evidence-Based Practice: A Quality Improvement Project” in Scholar Crossing, The Institutional Repository of Liberty University.

Rhianna Ayala, a Medical Assisting student at the Charleston campus, was the winner of the Phi Theta Kappa Essay Honor Society Contest and received a year of free membership.
Linda Schofield, Assistant Professor and Clinical Coordinator, and Patricia Durant, BSN faculty member, both of the Orlando campus, presented “Bullying and Incivility in Nursing: When Looks Can Kill” at the 22nd National Mother Baby Nurses Conference in September in Orlando.

Richard Arguelles, an online Criminal Justice student, has been honored with ECPI University’s Military/Public Service Award.
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