Library Corner: New Resources, New Look for ECPI University Libraries

Library Corner: New Resources, New Look for ECPI University Libraries

To support Students FIRST – ECPI University’s Quality Enhancement Plan – the library is excited to announce new resources to help students acquire information literacy skills. These include a new look for the LibGuide: Online Library Tutorials and a one-minute video series we call “How do I….?” which can be found at

These resources will be useful to students at all stages in their careers at ECPI University, but they will be especially valuable in the freshman orientation courses, where students are first introduced to the research skills needed for college-level studies. Alongside these new resources, a new FOR110 Library Assessment quiz was developed to see how much students have learned about ECPI University’s library and about finding, evaluating and using information. Special thanks to the librarians on the Tutorials Committee: Jen Bell, Jyoti Deo, Shannon Simmons, and Rebecca Tabakin, and video developer Kristina Ryan.

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