Police Officer Prepares for Career Advancement After Earning Bachelor’s Degree

Police Officer Prepares for Career Advancement After Earning Bachelor's Degree

Perhaps it was inevitable that Zachary Reffey would become a police officer. He grew up in a family of law enforcement professionals. Even his best friend is a cop. Still, it took a little while for him to realize his calling. He played college baseball for a couple years, then left to become a boat captain in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina.

After several years on the water, Zachary decided to join the Horry County, South Carolina Police Department. He knew right away that he would need to go back to college because future promotions depended on his earning a degree. Nonetheless, the rotating shifts and hectic schedule of a police officer meant a traditional on-campus education was impossible.

“The instructors are law enforcement or prior law enforcement professionals, so what they are teaching relates 100 percent. It’s not just your average case law or amendment courses, they relate everything to our changing society.”
~ Zachary Reffey, Online Criminal Justice Student

Zachary began researching online criminal justice programs and was impressed by what graduates had to say about ECPI University. Plus, ECPI’s accelerated program meant that he could earn his degree right about the time he was up for his first promotion.

So far, Zachary says his experience with ECPI University Online has been even better than he expected. “They have been nothing but awesome working with me,” he says. “Sure it’s tough, but the instructors are law enforcement or prior law enforcement professionals, so what they are teaching relates 100 percent. It’s not just your average case law or amendment courses, they relate everything to our changing society.”

Sure it’s tough, but the instructors are law enforcement or prior law enforcement professionals, so what they are teaching relates 100 percent. Share on X

Before enrolling at ECPI University, Zachary tried one online course, but says he felt lost. He says his experience at ECPI could not have been more different. “From the moment I started, I felt like I had a really good roadmap,” he says. “The very first class you take is Essentials for Success. It gives you all the tools you need to be a successful online student.”

Zachary is now on pace to complete his program within the year. He and his wife are expecting their first child and he says his degree will allow him to support his growing family. “I’ve definitely got a plan,” he says. “Becoming a lieutenant or a captain is certainly part of it, but who knows? Maybe I could go as far as deputy chief or even further!”

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