ECPI Libraries Celebrate National Nurses Month

by Rebecca Tabakin, Library Director

ECPI University Libraries supported the nursing program in May by celebrating National Nurses Month. A nursing resources display in the campus libraries, as well as featured items on the Online Library, included select works by nursing pioneer Florence Nightingale. National Nurses Week culminates each year on her birthday, May 12.

The current health crisis brought attention to the importance of nurses and ongoing medical research. The library nursing topic resource LibGuides usage — over 38,000 views in the first two months of 2022 –  is a testament to the collaboration of faculty and the dedicated team of librarians. Together they compile books, ebooks, e-resources, websites, and media related to nursing, education, research and practice into the guides.

Library online reference databases such as Credo Reference Nursing and Allied Health and General Health and Wellness collections help students start their medical research with books of specialized terminology, references on anatomy and physiology, and works on medical practice. Other nursing content only databases such as CINAHL Complete and Nursing Reference Center+ along with video tutorials help students with searches for scholarly articles, finding evidence-based research, and relevant literature on nursing practice. The Student Success Series of books (F.A. Davis) and anatomy, health science, nursing and pharmacology titles from OVID Made Incredibly Easy ebooks with unlimited user access are just a few of the 200,000 ebook titles in the libraries.   

Interested in learning more about nursing resources available from the ECPI Libraries? Contact campus library staff in-person or virtually with Ask A Librarian and Library FAQ . 

For further reference:

       Student Success Series (F.A. Davis) Print Books

       OVID Made Incredibly Easy Ebooks

       CREDO Reference: General Health and Wellness Collection

       CREDO Reference: Nurse and Allied Health Collection

       Medical Reference LibGuide

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