Career Services Debuts Handshake

As a leader in career education, ECPI University is always looking for unique opportunities and state-of-the-industry advances to provide our students.

In late summer, we introduced employers to Handshake, an early-talent career platform shown to increase student engagement, employer networks, and job and internships opportunities. Handshake is the largest of its kind in the country, working with over 1,400 institutions and 660,000 employers. The platform has been shown to increase student engagement, employer networks, and job and internships opportunities. Its top-rated mobile app has a 4.8 rating from 49,000 reviews, and 100% of the Fortune 2000 companies are on the platform.

“For our students and graduates, it’s a completely different ball game,” said Sarah Arthur, Alumni Engagement Specialist. “It’s so easy to use – seamless – you can customize your account like a LinkedIn account.”

Early Handshake results for ECPI University employers are promising. On the first day alone, the ECPI University Handshake platform saw nearly 1,000 employers sign up and begin posting jobs. The University has since debuted Handshake to students and graduates to positive results.

“We’re excited to see how this new platform can meet the needs of our employer partners and graduates,” says University Director of Career Services, Candice Sayre. “Right now we have over 3,500 job postings that our students can apply directly to. It’s a great way to connect with major companies nationwide and even worldwide.”

ECPI University’s Career Services team will help facilitate connections and events. “Handshake is a job board, an event board, and an employer networking tool all-in-one for our students and graduates,” said Sayre. “We’re excited to see what it can do!”

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