Connecting with Students and Connecting Students: Library Corner

Media Nook, Pop-Up, and Multi-Use Areas at ECPI University Library

ECPI Campus Libraries provide space for users to interact with materials and one another.  Libraries support learning in all of its forms with hands-on activities and active collaboration areas, inspiring connecting students whether they’re in cyber and network security or majoring in accounting to experiment, create, and learn.

Multiple use spaces are evident at the Virginia Beach library where the Writing Assistance Center (WAC) and Math Assistance Center (MAC) rooms are available for single study during non-tutoring hours, as is a conference room with a video projector. The Raleigh library pop-up Makerspace provides a hands-on activity with Raspberry Pi microcontrollers. Library Director Rebecca Tabakin and the Librarians Council support the maker movement which has become a part of university library programs across the country. Coming up this year: more serious play technology activities, as well as finals week stress-buster activities.

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