Newport News Grad Looks Back on the Best Decision He Ever Made

By William Moore, 2016 Cyber and Network Security Graduate – Newport News Campus

At 20 years of age, I thought I had my life figured out. I was in college, at what is now known as the University of Mary Washington, an American Studies major and was going to be a teacher for the next 30 years. Having grown up in the small town of Poquoson, Virginia, I’d been told all along of how great a teacher I’d be and decided that was the path I was going to take. At 22, I graduated with a Bachelor’s degree, and at 23, I received my Master of Science in Elementary Education. Those were two of my proudest achievements at that point in my life.

By the time I was 30, I realized that I wanted a change. My heart will always be in education, but late hours and the demands of life outside of the classroom seemed to cause a lack in the balance I sought. I wasn’t sure what to do, but I knew I couldn’t continue on the path I was on. I realized that someone with my qualifications would have trouble finding other employment. After some soul searching, I made my decision.

[Tweet “By the time I was 30, I realized that I wanted a change.”]

In the summer of 2014, I resigned my position as a full-time teacher and looked into local colleges to expand my education. I decided I wanted a degree in technology. I’d always been the person that my colleagues and administrators would go to when they needed computer help. As I looked into local schools, I quickly decided a four-year program wasn’t for me. I’ve done that route before and while I valued the experience, I didn’t want to do it again.

That led me to ECPI University. My experience there was wonderful. My classes were rigorous and informative. I made good friends and developed great connections in my field. In June of 2016, I graduated Summa Cum Laude with my Bachelor of Science in Computer Information Science with a major in Cyber and Network Security.

[Tweet “I know I couldn’t have done it without ECPI University.”]

Not long after that, I found a position on the state website that was perfect for me, Technology Learning Specialist at Thomas Nelson Community College Library. The position required someone with a teaching background, a bachelor’s degree in technology, and one year’s experience, which I had between my externships and volunteer experience.

I got the interview and began work soon after. My new job is amazing! I have learned so much and am considered a great asset to my organization. I know I couldn’t have done it without ECPI University. It truly was the best decision I’ve ever made!

ECPI University:
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